If you use Google Chrome, to support these type of use cases you can use the Attach Chrome Browser keyword, provided by the library, part of the rpaframework set of libraries. Or you could automate some intermediate part of the process, then giving back control to the human to complete it. For example, a browser where a human has logged into an account that requires two-factor authentication, or where some manual operations that might be hard to automate have already been done, and now the robot can take over to complete the process.

There are, however, many uses cases in which it is useful to allow a robot to operate on an already running browser. By default, this new browser will not have your log-in information, or plugins that you might have installed. When writing robots that automate web applications with the rpaframework set of libraries, the most common first step is to open a "fresh" browser using the Open Available Browser or Open Browser keywords.
Visual studio community mac launch chrome how to#
How to use an already running (Chrome) browser for your web automation robots